Cameraman in Amsterdam voor Donderdag
Opdracht ID: 51739
Budget: € 350 tot 1000
Geplaatst: 04-10-2022
Reacties: 3
Locatie: RAI in Amsterdam
Laatst gewijzigd: 04-10-2022
Status: Gesloten
Dear freelancers,
I am urgently looking for a cameraman. Below the assignment in English:
Urgent request. I require a camera person to film interview and b-roll content, plus a presentation (with a second licked off wide camera) at a large trade show in Amsterdam at RAI this Thursday 6th October. 2.5 hours. Budget €300-€450
Working alone, setting up the camera and conducting an interview in English. Some questions will be given, but will need to respond to the topics discussed. Good interview technique is very important and high quality b-roll.
HD Camera, camera top light, tie microphone required. All footage to be uploaded following filming, no editing required. You will be provided a detailed brief and examples of what is required.
If you are interested, I look forward to receiving your response in English.