Hulp bij Wix Website (in het Engels)
Opdracht ID: 43367
Budget: € 25 tot 40 p.u.
Geplaatst: 06-05-2020
Reacties: 3
Locatie: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Laatst gewijzigd: 07-05-2020
Status: Gesloten
Beste freelancers,
Ik heb hulp nodig bij mijn Wix website. Wie heeft hier ervaring mee en kan mij helpen? Onderstaand de opdracht in het Engels. Ik zie je reactie ook graag in het Engels tegemoet.
I created a toys website with Wix and have set-up IDEAL payments using Stripe. My services are subscription-based but currently, my customers can only do one-time payments which requires constantly reminding them each month. As such, I would like to have recurring payments, but this does not seem possible with IDEAL without a little dev work.
Stripe has informed me it is possible to setup recurring payments for iDEAL by using SEPA Direct Debit.
I'm looking for someone to help set this up. Who can help me with that and makes children's lives more fun by allowing more toys to be delivered to them.