Logo en Huisstijl voor Voedselveiligheidsbedrijf
Opdracht ID: 16830
Budget: € 250 tot € 300
Geplaatst: 03-09-2014
Reacties: 6
Locatie: Wageningen, Gelderland
Laatst gewijzigd: 11-09-2014
Status: Gesloten
Dear freelancers,
Our company is a start-up company which develops a biosensor based complete solution for food safety monitoring. Our platform enables simultaneous detection of hundreds of contaminants in complex food samples, with primary focus on food allergens. Our device is designated for the use of untrained personnel along the entire food chain and offers onsite monitoring with ultra-sensitivity and short response time. Our device enables informed and prompt decision making process helping food producers to better safeguard the allergic consumer’s health. Our mission is to advance food safety.
We are looking for a young look that projects novelty but also reliability. We'd like to upgrade the logo we already have, choose a house style and in a later stage upgrade the webpage and prepare an animation video to explain our product.
The budget for the logo improvement and a house style is 300 euros.
Looking forward to your brilliant ideas!