Medior/ Senior Tester
Opdracht ID: 3101
Budget: € 5 tot € 150 p.u.
Geplaatst: 10-12-2010
Reacties: 0
Locatie: Utrecht, Utrecht
Laatst gewijzigd: 11-01-2011
Status: Gesloten
JOBstream is looking for a Medior/ Senior Test Analyst
We are currently looking for a medior/ senior tester with several years of experience in testing in a complex banking environment.
The tester is expected to be working in a team and to be effective without daily guidance.
The international working environment is complex and dynamic.
Required skill set (must haves)
- Firm knowledge of common testing practices (Tmap Next).
- Good written and verbal communication skills (English).
- Analytical, Flexible, team player.
- Recent experience in a complex banking environment.
Required skill set (nice to haves)
- Experience with calculation models.
- Familiar with the Credit Risk area.