Senior Network Services Specialist
Opdracht ID: 2339
Budget: € 5 tot € 150 p.u.
Geplaatst: 15-10-2010
Reacties: 0
Locatie: Amsterdam / Praag, Noord-Holland
Laatst gewijzigd: 22-10-2010
Status: Gesloten
Wij zoeken naar een Senior Network Services Specialist.
Omschrijving opdracht:
Co-create/review both the network and infrastructure design for the needs of the disentaglement of the bank from Insurance. Co-operate closely with the ICE team Project Manager and Infrastructure PM on the Bank side. Co-operate on definition of the Infrastructure/Network design for the Bank side of the disentaglement.
General knowledge - required :
Infrastructure Architect” + “Network Service Analyst” with Project management skills
Network design + CDS/AD/WPS design"
Social skills - required :
Good communicator with customer focus, fast learner
(ability to absorb/learn quickly in a complex environment)
Willing to travel to Prague. Being flexible in worklocation."
Language - required :
Dutch, English
Praag en Amsterdam.
In het begin vaak in A'dam, na verloop van tijd steeds meer in Praag.