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Senior Project Office Manager

Opdracht ID: 2301

Budget: € 5 tot € 150 p.u.
Geplaatst: 13-10-2010
Reacties: 0
Locatie: Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Laatst gewijzigd: 15-10-2010
Status: Gesloten
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Wij zoeken naar een Senior Project Office Manager.

Omschrijving opdracht:
De senior PMO moet een zelfstandige functie uitvoeren naar het project team toe. Hierbij is een grote rol weggelegd voor zijn/haar inbreng op gebied van Financial Planning en –Controlling. De gevraagde kennis en ervaring van Financial Planning en -Controlling, zoals benoemd in de omschrijving, maakt het onderscheidend vermogen voor de juiste kandidaat. De bedrijfseconomische kant dus. Kandidaten dienen daarnaast enig postuur te hebben om natuurlijk tegenwicht te bieden indien nodig.

General knowledge - required:
Finance and Management Accounting, Prince2, CMMi, Project Management Experience (Must have Prince 2 Practitioner or PMP) MSP and P3O knowledge, Microsoft Project Proficiency

Social skills - required:
Communication management

Language - required:

Description tasks employee:
Progress Tracking and Reporting:
- Define Reporting Calendar in line with communication plan
- Adopt or decide on report format/s to be used (existing) or decide on report formats to be used or design program specific report formats as required and develop reporting guidelines
- Track, analyze and report project status (planned versus actual)- effort, cost, schedule, milestone, KPI, business impacts, resources and related forecasts
- Verify information against base lined artifacts like PrID, PID, PMP, CFS and MSP
- Checks the Communication Plan for any other recipients of a status report and sends it out
- Trigger any Risk or Issue based on deviations in plan

Change & Configuration Management:
- Create the project Configuration Management (CM) Plan
- Identify the program/project configuration items (CIs)
- Create the Library Management System (LMS) in SharePoint
- Authorize the work product baselines
- Perform Status Accounting
- Perform Configuration Management Audits
- Support in administration of change management of all base lined CIs
- Review and Approve changes to Configuration Items

Metrics Coordination:
- Define Program/Project specific KPIs based on Program and organization information needs
- Consolidate Information from all Projects
- Analyze information and identifies trends for early-warnings or positive impact
- Prepares Metrics part of Program-level Bi-weekly report
- Ensures that the report is communicated to Program Team and actions are identified for deviation or special events
- Provides feedback to the central PMO/PO team on measurement and suggests changes

Process Assurance:
- Assist Program/Project Managers to prepare and review the Quality Management Plan at Program/Project level
- Provide inputs to the Program Manager / Implementation Manager in creating Process Assurance Plan
- Verifying adherence to the AMS Standards, Processes and Procedures as per Process Assurance plan
- Verifying that all planned inspections and tests have taken place prior to release of Projects team deliverables as per Process Assurance plan
- Identifying, reporting and tracking any Projects non-conformances to agreed standards, plans and procedures
- Identifying, reporting and tracking any corrective action required on the Projects
- Supporting continuous quality improvement on the Projects

Risk & Issue Management:
- Coordinate set up of tools required based on PMO standards
- Educate team members on adherence to process and usage of tools
- Monitor the Risk and Issue management and evaluate effectiveness of mitigation/corrective actions
- Perform Quality checks on the process adherence and assist team in closing the gaps through corrective actions

Financial Controlling:
- Analyze budget versus Actuals and advise the Program manager on any deviation in relation to the deliverables of the program
- Revision of Business case, as applicable
-Validate project spend
- Maintain the Program in Clarity and PIT
- Monitor mutations in resource administration
- Administration of Commitments
- Report PO volume variances
- Report on project financials
- Coordinate finance review of Governance documents (together with the finance department of OIB)
- Define and analyze the financial impact of changes in the Program
- Close program in administrations
- Provide a breakdown of the final Program costs against the PRID as an input to the End Program Report

Financial Planning:
- Provide support in set up of the financials of Governance documentation (PID's, PRID, Change requests, etc)
- Perform Cost Benefit Analysis to be translated in a CFS
- Advise and support the Program manager in setting up the financial business case
- Support the Program manager in calculating and validating the baseline impact
- Define and set up the governance structure in Clarity
- Set up time registration as per ING tooling guidelines
- Compile the budget breakdown and demand and supply approval process in Clarity
- Set up resource administration
- Set up contract administration
- Define Reporting Calendar in line with the Communication Plan

General Ledger items to projects and review correctness of booking lines

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