Website Bouwen voor Resellers
Opdracht ID: 14951
Budget: € 1000 tot € 2500
Geplaatst: 18-12-2013
Reacties: 3
Locatie: Deventer, Overijssel
Laatst gewijzigd: 21-12-2013
Status: Gesloten
Beste Freelancers,
Om verwarring te voorkomen; dit project heb ik in het Engels geschreven, omdat ik het ook aan andere voorstel die geen Nederlands spreken. De website zelf moet wel in de Nederlandse taal. Het systeem moet lijken op die van
What I want:
1. I want a reseller tool. The first page must be a login page, I make a user and password for my resellers. nobody can register on the website.
2. I want a product compare tool with postalcode to check the Dutch Internet Providers. I have the api/soap file
And I have more categories here: Like dutch energy providers: (api)
3. I want a bonussystem for the resellers that have make a offer on the system.
Example: Reseller compare a Internet Provider and he want it for his client, first the reseller must log in of course then he can search a good offer with the postalcode, when he found the best offer for his client he must fill in a form and the form comes to me(admin) when i approved his order then he get a bonus on his account.
I will pay about 1 or 2 months the money to his bankaccount.
I want for the admin a account to see the orders what is done by the resellers.
4. Ticketsystem for contact. ( Thats the easy part ) :)
5. Maybe a drag and drop system for the resellers for the tabs see below.
I want a website only with login like for my resellers. I must make the reseller login and password.
So when the reseller logs in he gets a couple of tabs with drag and drop tabs if it can!
tab1: Home - Here comes all information that the reseller need. like provider news, provider phone numbers, what they have sold
tab2: Provider check - Here can the reseller check the available providers on his postalcode and order it.
Category 1: Internet ( Api/Soap)
Category 2: Energy ( Api/Soap)
Category 3: Insurrance ( Api/Soap)
tab3: Monthly deal from the provider - like ( see first page "De beste internet aanbiedingen bij" )
tab4: Bonussystem - when the reseller ordered a internet or tv or call or all in one he gets the bonus her ( i can give this manually if that is easier to implement for you )
-Bonusstructur - here comes what bonus he get from me for each provider that he closing
tab5: POS material - here can the reseller order flyers, folders and posters from me.
tab6: Contact ( How the resellers can contact me )
- FAQ (frequently asked questions)
Ik hoor graag van u.
Alvast bedankt!